They say that food truly is the language of love, and here at Sachins we really couldn’t agree more. There’s nothing like a delicious Valentine’s Day meal shared between lovers to really turn up the heat.

Two champagne glasses in a toast.

It’s no secret that a lovingly cooked meal is often the way to the heart. For almost forty years now, the team here at Sachins have been providing warm ambience and heartbreakingly good food to couples from far and wide, presenting the perfect opportunity for lovers to relax in one another’s company and enjoy that all-important quality time.

In the spirit of Valentine’s Day, we thought we’d delve into the true power that food wields over the heart. More specifically, we’d like to take a look at the love-boosting potential of some of our favourite herbs and spices in mythology and folklore.

Botanical romance throughout the ages

In times of yore, plants were the activating agents of spells, potions and natural remedies.

Put simply, the world of plants was regarded as a cure-all apothecary, with a remedy for each and every physical or emotional complaint. Many aromatics have been elevated to magical status throughout history, with hopeless romantics, discouraged lovers and lustful admirers hoping to ignite the flames of love with the aid of trusty herbs and spices.

Here at Sachins, we love the idea of injecting a little of this whimsy and folklore into the kitchen and truly making magic happen with the food that we serve up on Valentine’s Day.

Flying the flag for love with cinnamon

Here at Sachins, we love to employ the warming flavour of cinnamon in many of our dishes. This wonderful spice adds a depth to gravies, sauces and marinades that are second to none.

Cinnamon has long been associated with passion, strength and zestful abandonment as a result of its spicy, warming qualities. Throughout history, it has commonly been used as an aphrodisiac due to its ability to increase blood flow, warm the body and boost levels of testosterone. In folklore, this beloved spice is believed to raise the vibrations of protection, lust and love, whilst its soothing scent promotes feelings of safety, comfort and tranquillity.


The lust-boosting potential of chillies

When it comes to fanning the flames of fiery, impassioned love, chillies have (somewhat unsurprisingly!) traditionally been employed for centuries and are believed to hold the power to inflame the heart of your beloved. Of course, our spice store wouldn’t be complete without chillies!

A traditional spell cited in Cunningham’s Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs proffers that two large, dried chillies tied together with a red or pink ribbon and placed beneath the pillows of your marriage bed can aid in continuing fidelity between you and your spouse. Perhaps worth a try next time you fear a wandering eye?

When it comes to fanning the flames of fiery, impassioned love, chillies have (somewhat unsurprisingly!) traditionally been employed for centuries and are believed to hold the power to inflame the heart of your beloved


Turning up the heat with ginger

We love ginger in the Sachins’ kitchen. This delightful herb is widely regarded as one of the most warming aromatics out there, and its spicy, earthy qualities maximise the flavour profiles of so many of our dishes

For centuries, this fantastic herb has also been used to strengthen natural remedies and boost the potential of magical potions, too. With its ability to heat the body and improve circulation, it’s considered a powerful aphrodisiac and has been deployed in many romantic remedies to increase feelings of passion, lust and desire.


Encouraging faithfulness with coriander

Here at Sachins, we love cooking with coriander in all of its forms. Fresh coriander, coriander seeds and coriander powder are all employed in our kitchen to elevate the flavours of our food. But what about the role of coriander in magic and folklore?

Coriander has historical ties to the Ancient Greeks, the Renaissance and the Spanish Conquistadors, and has been used in love potions for thousands of years. Traditionally, the spiritual power of this herb is thought to invite peace, love and reconciliation. The seeds of the plant have been used throughout history to encourage faithfulness and continuing happiness for couples, as well as being invested with the power to attract new love for those seeking a partner.

Magic practitioners throughout the ages have deployed coriander to boost love and passion. Herbal compendiums cite the sowing of coriander seeds into mattresses to promote fidelity in marriage, and bunches of fresh coriander have traditionally been kept in the home to promote protection and general well-being.

Why not bring a little magic to your Valentine’s Day and book a table with us here at Sachins?

We’re sure our first-class food will help you to turn up the heat. Call us on 0191 261 9035.